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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What do ENRON and Asarco have in common?

Attorneys for the ENRON case are getting the Honest Services provision of the mail & wire fraud act re-visited by the U.S. Supreme Court -- to be decided this spring. 

September 21, 2002
Lawyer Proves a Thorn for Enron's Partners
"Citigroup [Asarco Principle Bondholder] and J. P. Morgan [Asarco had a "$450 million Revolving Credit Agreement with J.P. Morgan Chase & Co."] have been accused by members of Congress and a variety of lawyers of helping Enron disguise billions of dollars worth of debt by creating special-purpose entities offshore with names like Mahonia, which was based in the Isle of Jersey in the English Channel, and Delta, based in the Cayman Islands." [We know that there is a Swiss Bank called "Asarco A.G." (Asarco S.A., Asarco Inc.).]

"R. Neal Batson is special counsel to Alston & Bird.....was appointed by the United States Department of Justice to serve as the Examiner for Enron Corp. and was authorized to investigate various aspects of the company."

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