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Sunday, April 11, 2010

What about the JAC International-Committee Recommendation to the La Paz Accord group to test for Asarco background contamination in our region?

  • What happened to the JAC International-Committee Recommendation (Paz Accord group) to test for Asarco background contamination in our region? 
  • It is appalling that there is no TCEQ (or EPA) DIOXIN DATA for the communities surrounding this 100 year old custom-smelter which the EPA said illegally burned secret haz-waste for nearly a decade.
  • Why can't the EPA or TCEQ tell the JAC committee what poisons remain in our community from that illegal activity.  Polonium is a common by-product of some types of smelting -- so why can't we get reports showing the amounts of Polonium here?
  • Why are Camino Real Mobility Authority, TXDOT and the City of El Paso planning to build an elevated toll-road over Paisano right by ASARCO --- and over our drinking water supply -- before our Federal State Department ever resolves the 03/2005 State Department's own-observation that the IBWC workers at American Dam (by Asarco and Paisano) are sick and cannot get independent medical review in the region?

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