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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Asarco El Paso TX Smelter stack to be brought down BEFORE DISCLOSING WHAT SECRETS TOXINS REMAIN

What do the Environmental Officials/DOJ and ASARCO continue to hide?  They are removing the Asarco stack before they disclose what toxins remain in the region from the years of illegal hidden waste-incineration.  Stacks can prove the point-source of industrial emissions down to the dust-particle level (SEM analysis) and easily assign monetary blame and responsibility. 

The La Paz Accord Internation Joint Advisory Committee for Air passed a resolution over 18 months ago recommending a comprehensive study to show what the background contaminants were in the Paso del Norte and the EPA HAS NOT RESPONDED.  People within the EPA, the DOJ and TCEQ continue to dodge the questions.  No study has been done to determine what actinides remain here or how much radioactive nickel or polonium etc. from the years of unlisted, secret waste burning.  Despite six years of asking, the community have yet to get answers.

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Asarco Demolition Date Scheduled | KTSM News Channel 9
Asarco Demolition Date Scheduled. By Alexa Helms Multimedia JournalistAnchor ... Opinions vary on what to do with the Asarco smokestacks ...

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