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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Asarco 1999 Settlement with Denver CO gives another $126,484.90 to 107 people while EL PASO TEXAS COMMUNITY suffers silently

"Residents of south Globeville are receiving an additional $126,484.90 from Asarco mining company for contaminating their properties with arsenic and other pollutants, according to a press release from the attorneys who represented the residents.....The additional payments are part of a $12.3 million settlement the residents reached with Asarco in 1999....[also] South Globeville residents filed a class-action lawsuit in 2007 against Asarco when high levels of toxic contamination were found on properties. Asarco released arsenic as a stack emission from its Globe Plant smeltering facility for about 70 years starting in the 1920s."

Mitchell Byars: 303-954-1698 or mbyars@denverpost.com

South Globeville residents get additional money from Asarco settlement

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