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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

About 2007 article claiming "feds-find-asarco-clean-on-hazmat-charges" 🤣 "



This article was written in 2007 shortly after Rep. Reyes asked the GAO to generally investigate military handling of wastes, with one example from asarco.  The GAO investigation was narrow and did not look at all the waste invoices (if any) listed in the "73 page confidential for settlement purposes only 1998 us doj epa asarco document".  Rep. Reyes was interviewed by the el paso times at that time and was quoted online as saying that "asarco paid millions of dollars on the condition that the [   "73 page confidential for settlement purposes only 1998 us doj epa asarco document"  ] would never see the light of day".  Asarco subsidiary encycle at corpus c risti (that railed materials to el paso and east helena mt) handled wastes from many other places than rocky flats (but the only example studied by GAO!).   This ep inc author trashes the "73 page confidential for settlement purposes only 1998 us doj epa asarco document". mcmurray uncovered in 2006 as being just "paperwork errors".  That is hilarious since the 1998 report lists pages of ***invoice numbers*** in the back of report, that neither ep inc or any other news source has published or investigated (except confidentially thru the us doj). We know the Toole UT nerve gas quench water came here. That hafnium containing materials (ie nuclear control rod material) also appears in higher dust concentrations the closer to asarco el paso stacks you get.  The epa itself published in 1998 that el paso tx had highest beta radiation levels in usa- higher than oakridge TN and Hanford WA!!  Yet this article written in 2007 choose to slant its reporting, trash the  "73 page confidential for settlement purposes only 1998 us doj epa asarco document". , and then ep inc author tried to reassure el paso that nothing had happened except clerical errors. Asarco could have written that news item, it was so positive.  Google (with quotes) "asarco secret document" and use the resulting internal search engine for more documentation. 

Now, somehow, when you try to search google in general for words asarco secret document (that used to pull up this documentation) this 2007 article pops up near the top of the SEO search engine optimization🤣. 

Now you have to put QUOTES around the phrase ' "asarco secret document" ' to find what you used to get google to pull up, for years.  Would like to add that Rep.Reyes' GAO investigation was NOT just an investigation of asarco, but just looked at several examples of how military handled toxic wastes.  The rocky flats example was one that asarco itself revealed at the 10/2006  international press conference.

Note: press conf. was one I organized at base of Asarco (press conf was backed by the kids's/mr moore esq. Sunland park environmental group & my Epgtlo group that began meeting when sen shapleigh's get the lead out group stopped gathering for long time) to cover the release of the  formerly secret 1998 73-page document

note: the invoices in "73 page confidential for settlement purposes only 1998 us doj epa asarco document".  STILL remain confidential...no news agency or clean up trustee EVER went after those. 

Note:  that former sen Shapleigh's publication covering asarco does not refer to the entire 73 page version of the asarco secret document, but truncated it, so I always refer to its page count.  


1 comment:

Elpaso said...

Am not seeing this comment being posted on the epinc site, and hope that upon review that they still do.