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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Epa said asarco illegally burned secret hazardous wastes (1998 , kept conf. Until 10/2006, when a teacher uncovered it

Is writing in 2008 about 1998 73 page epa usdoj asarco confidential for settlement purposes only document that became public domain after a tceq official referenced a "report" in an interview. A teach then filed open records request for that report. 

"EPA Charges Asarco Illegally Burned Hazardous Waste

By A DBR Roundup

June 18, 2008 8:03 pm ET|WSJ PRO

Asarco Inc., a bankrupt copper giant, is facing billions of dollars in pollution claims across the nation after being accused of pretending for years to recycle metals while illegally burning hazardous waste in a notorious El Paso smelter, according to a newly released Environmental Protection Agency document.

The New York Times reported Wednesday the agency, in a 1998 internal memorandum, said Asarco and its Corpus Christi subsidiary, Encycle, had a permit to extract metals from hazardous waste products but used that as a cover to burn the waste until the late 1990's, saving the high costs of proper disposal......"

Link to wsj article

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