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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Asarco contamination of the Hueco Bolson

What we know now is that during those years of El Paso-secret-toxic-waste-incineration ASARCO dumped stuff to the waste water (Sewage) plant and then that water was treated and sent out throughout the city as "purple pipe" water to our schools, parks, and golf courses -- potentially exposing anyone who uses those to the secret undeclared toxic-wastes.   (Anyone who loves to golf could possibly be exposed, also, for example).  That purple pipe water was also injected into the Hueco Bolson.   This may likely be why the EPA mainly-sampled these grassy-areas when they came out here in 2001 - and, the EPA are still not telling us what poisons ASARCO's secret-years left here.  But years later the powers-that-be  built a Hueco Bolson desal plant capable of removing 99% of toxins from the water (and the rest is deep-well injected 20 miles away on Military Property).

Why is there NO Dioxin data available?  Just shameful that this Mexican-American community cannot get basic-chemical information that communities up north have (see Mother Jone's recent issue about Dioxin Dorms).   And also shameful that several of us have been fired/non-renewed for asking about this water contamination.  This community should be the first to support anyone who wants to support Mexican-American community's Right-To-Know.

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