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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

El Paso Times fails to mention secret toxic waste from ASARCO or even the bankruptcy fraud...

El Paso Times fails to mention the EPA confidential for settlement purposes only ASARCO document to the DOJ that showed ASARCO burned secret military and industrial wastes for YEARS; and, that was covered by the NYTimes in a front page story.    The principle-bondholder for ASARCO several months later threw $500,000 million dollars at the NYTIMES in an attempt to win control of the board/seats-on-the-board.

The Bankruptcy court is ignoring the liabilities of this secret toxic waste, and and acts as if this now-public document is still secret.

Shame on the El Paso Times for failing to cover the bankrupcty fraud or even mentioning the secret years of secret-waste-burnings.

Google News Alert for: asarco

Asarco claims surpassed $15M
Trading Markets (press release)
The city of El Paso, the El Paso Independent School District, Alberto Pacheco and former Asarco employee Danny Arellano filed the biggest claims. ...
See all stories on this topic

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