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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fraudulent concealment of the unmanifested toxic-wastes burned by ASARCO continues....

The bids roll in, and the bankruptcy court, the EPA and the DOJ continue to ignore the now-public EPA-DOJ Asarco confidential-for-settlement-purposes-only document (1998) that a DOJ Attorney released to the public in 2006:

Why is this allowed to happen in our Bankruptcy Court?  Why can't the new DOJ Administration do something about this?   The secret unmanifested toxic-wastes from both military and industrial sources burned by Asarco in El Paso TX and E. Helena MT for nearly ten years IS STILL BEING IGNORED by the bankruptcy proceedings.  

As Rep. Reyes said, ASARCO paid MILLIONS on the condition that details of what it had done would never become public.  Apparently the DOJ, the EPA and Asarco all want to pretend that someone honest in the DOJ never made that confidential-for-settlement-purposes-only document PUBLIC.

The Bankruptcy court is NOT considering the liabilities to Asarco from the years Asarco burned secret military wastes for profit.  And the EPA is not testing for the poisons that would remain here from those illegal activities.

But the bids for Asarco heat-up as the Bankruptcy winds to a close, and the bottom-line of Asarco is being "cleaned up".

Carlye Group owns 20% of Grupo Mexico (who controls Ferromex/UP railroad that will put a new international line through the port of entry just next door to the old ASARCO stacks) and Carlye owns CSX railroad along the USA 300-mile wide eastern seaboard.   Top executive(s) for the founder of Verde group now run Carlyle USA realty group.

What is coming down, here? 

Google News Alert for: asarco

Sterlite Matches Grupo Mexico Offer on Asarco Debts
Under the plan, Sterlite would guarantee to pay unsecured debts of Asarco LLC that are ultimately considered legitimate by US Bankruptcy Judge Richard ...
See all stories on this topic

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