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Monday, August 17, 2009

Helena Stack were demolished , and the Secret Toxic wastes remain secret


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: East Helena Stack demolition -- important information for Cleveland Wrecking Co.
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 13:14:33 -0600
To: Jim_Sheridan[at]urscorp.com
CC: AskDOJ[at]usdoj.gov, thornton.wood[at]oag.state.tx.us, jackson.lisap[at]epa.gov, john.harrington[at]helenair.com, Diana Washington Valdez <dvaldez[at]elpasotimes.com>, dcrowder[at]epmediagroup.com, Piper.Bonnie[at]epamail.epa.gov, Bill_Torres[at]urscorp.com, Joe_LeClair[at]urscorp.com, Steve_Sheridan[at]urscorp.com

To:  Mr. Sheridan, President of Cleveland Wrecking Co.

Please look through this formerly-confidential-for-settlement-purposes-only EPA document to the Federal Dept. of Justice written in 1998 and kept secret until 2006:  http://archives.newspapertree.com/Asarco/asarco_1998_memo.pdf

This document will let you know that the EPA said ASARCO secretly burned illegal toxic wastes for profit for nearly ten years and that some of that went to the ASARCO Helena smelter. 

This settlement-document is now a public document; but, Asarco and the EPA/DOJ are continuing to act as if this document never was released, and that the illegal near-decade of unmanifested-waste-burning never happened.  Rep. Reyes (Chair, House intelligence committee) was quoted saying that Asarco paid millions of dollars on the condition that details of what it had done would never become public.

Your workers will be exposed to whatever chemicals have been left in that community from ASARCO's illegal activity -- and it could contain anything -- some of those sources you will see in that document are military, some are industrial.    The wastes Asarco secretly burned and handled were unmanifested and could have contained anything:  actinides (radioactive alpha particles or other particles), dioxins, pcb's, polonium, etc.   The EPA has never revealed what these chemical-values are for the community.

The stacks should not come down, in my opinion, until the EPA does independent-stack-sampling of the residues left inside the stacks from ASARCO's illegal activities; and, until all workers are equipped with white-haz-mat suits with independent-oxygen-support.    Even with that done, the demolition of the stacks will potentially expose the community to the secret chemical wastes, in the resulting dusts.   And, that demolition-waste should not go to any landfills without the EPA, ASARCO and the DOJ revealing to us what is in that waste.

I feel that your company should have been notified about this document, and that you should not demolish the stacks without the facts in front of you. 

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