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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Asarco TCEQ announcement of El Paso Clean up Trustee Appointment -- but not about the Bankruptcy Fraud

The Bankruptcy for ASARCO never discussed the EPA DOJ formerly confidential for settlement purposes only evidence used by the EPA and DOJ (and signed off by Asarco) that ASARCO had illegally and for profit burned unknown hazardous wastes for nearly ten years in El Paso TX and E. Helena MT.

Why?  Why has this evidence been ignored by the DOJ Federal Bankruptcy Trustee and courts?

Someone in the Federal DOJ DID make the facts of what ASARCO had done public (NYTimes 10/2006) - and the community wants the details.  The government owes the community the truth of what is now in its soils, air and water from the nearly ten  years of illicit military and industrial waste burning.

Google Web Alert for: asarco bankruptcy

Custodial Trustee of the ASARCO Site, El Paso, Texas - Texas ...
Under the settlement agreement approved by the bankruptcy court, ASARCO's El Paso smelter property was placed in an environmental custodial trust and is ...

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