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Saturday, January 23, 2010

[Fwd: Google Alert - asarco] Dust making People Sick - Asarco suddenly volunteering to clean up INDOOR DUST

With recent (7/09) UTEP research showing how dangerous-dust is being "stirred up" in El Paso, and with the common knowledge in the Paso del Norte region that we all get sick after wind-events (tired, headaches, muscle aches) that cause the high-arsenic-ladened-dusts to float around us more, again ---

El Pasoans, N.M. and old Anapra SHOULD BE GETTING SOME HELP HERE to install effective windows, refrigerated air, electrostatic furnace filters, air-tight-wind-seals, clean-up of indoor dust -- and, even buy-out of homes by those folks who want to move away from the ASARCO El Paso smelter site.

Google News Alert for: asarco
Asarco helps in dust cleanup
Green Valley News [AZ]
By Philip Franchine, www.gvnews.com Asarco officials said they will pay for some cleanup of homes hit by recent dust storms from the mine tailings as they ...
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The mine’s cleanup coordinator, Karen Pickett, an Asarco project manager from the Seattle area, told residents she has begun calling contractors to help in the cleanup of homes.... Resident Cindy Swan, 55, a music teacher at Sahuarita Intermediate School, said she has suffered through five migraine headaches since returning from a visit to New York during winter vacation.  “I am a healthy person. Something is wrong. I want to know what I am being poisoned with,” Swan said....Belove said an analysis of the contents of the dust could have been provided shortly after the three recent dust incidents in November and December.

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